Why can’t you copy the Voyager bib number for reliable pasting into email and other records? I can do it now, along with a million other little things, using AutoHotkey macros.
Why can’t you copy the Voyager bib number for reliable pasting into email and other records? I can do it now, along with a million other little things, using AutoHotkey macros.
I’ve never worked with Backstage Library Works but always enjoy their postcards.
Have you ever overlaid (or just deleted) the wrong record in Voyager? If you have server access, you can retrieve the old copy of such a record with one command.
The first week back from winter break was a short one. I was unsure about whether to hold my regular Friday morning meeting with my group, but they came prepared and a mini hackathon ensued!
To be clear, I don’t supervise programmers; my group is entirely catalogers.